Clinical Research

GP Research – Supporting Research in Primary Care

Research is essential in working out which treatments work best for patients and The Bridgeway Practice actively supports clinical research studies within Primary Care.

The NHS Constitution states that Research is a core function of the NHS. Clinical research is a major driver of innovation and central to NHS practice for maintaining and developing high standards of patient care.

Ultimately, clinical research means patients get access to new treatments, interventions and medicines. Investment in research means better, more cost effective care for patients.

In 2006, the Department of Health set up a National Institute for Health Research to create a world-class health system within the NHS, and the Clinical Research Network is part of this wider organisation. 

To find out more about the work of the NIHR Clinical Research Network go to National Institute for Health and Care Research | NIHR

Primary Care Research FAQs

What is Primary Care Research?

The CRN Primary Care Speciality works in collaboration with researchers and primary care practitioners such as GPs, practice nurses, pharmacists and dentists to promote the successful delivery of research studies in the NHS.

A wider range of research studies are supported which look at:

  • Promoting a healthier lifestyle
  • Disease diagnosis and prevention
  • Management of long-term illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension
  • Prevention of future ill-health
  • Treating common conditions such as tonsillitis or influenza

What are the benefits of GP practices taking part in Research?

  • It offers patients access to new treatments
  • It brings a new dimension to practice and added skills to those involved
  • It provides national gold standard training for research

How can you help and take part?

There are many various ways a patient can become involved in studies:

  • A doctor or nurse may talk to you about a particular study and ask whether you would be interested in participating
  • You may be sent information through the post if we feel you may be a suitable participant
  • You may read information about a current study in the patient waiting room or on the surgery website and wish to take part by contacting your GP.

All clinical research carried out is thoroughly checked and approved by ethical committees thus ensuring it is appropriate and safe to perform.

Your participation is entirely voluntary and can be withdrawn by yourself at any time without an explanation required.

You are under no obligation to participate in any research project.

Your care and your relationship with your doctor or nurse will not be affected in any way if you decided not to take part in a research study.

You will always receive clear information about what taking part in a research study would involve.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions and obtain further details about a study.

If you do agree to take part in a study you will be asked to sign a consent form, this will clearly state which parts of your notes (if any) may be looked at for the purposes of the research study.

Nobody from outside this Practice will be given your contact details or have access to your medical notes without your prior consent

Current Research Opportunities

COPD and Assistive Technology


This research study is looking further into understanding the potential of using assistive technology [AT] in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and supporting independence and wellbeing amongst people with this condition.

Are you a patient with this condition?

Do you have any experience with using assistive technology in your daily life?

If over the age of 18 and you would like to be considered for this research opportunity please get in touch with our research team via the admin department who can provide you further details.

Duration UTI


This research study  aims to find the shortest antibiotic treatment duration needed  to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women effectively. We will also look at the impact  of each antibiotic and treatment duration on antibiotic resistance in bacteria found in the  patient’s urine. 

You may be asked to complete a patient consent form either online or a paper copy at the appointment at which further details can be given to you should you be eligible to participate in the study.

My Melanoma


This research is a project looking to recruit at least 20,000 people treated by the NHS for melanoma of the skin and other body parts other than the eye. This study is of great size and is required to gather as much data as possible to answer the most important questions around the casus of melanomas and the factors governing outcomes for affected people, the effect of a diagnosis and treatment on quality of life, the risk and nature of drug side effects in the short term and long term.

Are you willing and able to consent? Aged 16 and over and you would like to be considered for this research opportunity please get in touch with our research team via the admin department who can provide you further details.

Life Threads – TBI


This is a qualitative study that will allow us to explore the value and acceptability of using the ‘Life Threads’ approach with family members post-TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Qualitative research attempts to interpret the meaning people bring to their experiences.

This study is situated within an interpretivist paradigm with a relativist ontology and constructivist epistemology. Work with subjectivity and honouring multiple realities will facilitate an in-depth and exploratory approach.

This commitment to qualitative philosophy will strengthen understanding of the perceived benefits of using the ‘Life Threads’ approach from the participant’s perspective.

Mechanisms Underlying Impaired Impulse Control in Parkinson’s Disease Creating a Systems-level Model of the Neural Mechanisms Underlying Impaired Impulse Control in Parkinson’s Disease  


Aside from typical movement symptoms, individuals with Parkinson’s disease also have an increased risk of developing impulse control disorders, such as pathological gambling, hyper-aggression and binge eating.

Dopamine medications remain the best method to treat motor symptoms, such as tremor, but are the greatest risk factor for impulse control disorders in Parkinson’s. These behaviours can present severe negative implications for people affected by Parkinson’s and their families, yet there is currently no reliable way to identify individuals who are at risk of developing an impulse control disorder.

The purpose of this study is to examine new measures at the level of the muscle and brain to reveal sensitive markers of impaired inhibitory control that might indicate a higher risk of developing impulse control disorders. Participants’ performance on a cognitive-motor task will be investigated. During this task, several measures of muscle and brain activity will be taken, involving non-invasive recording of brain electrical activity, muscle recording, and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques.

£10 an hour for participants’ time and cover travel expenses. 

Also offer expenses for hotel accommodation in Birmingham for those travelling from more distant sites. Hence, have involved sites from across the UK.

Nottingham Hepatitis C Operational Delivery Network.

Around 70,000 people in England don’t know they have hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is spread by blood-to-blood contract, often with no symptoms. Prolonged hepatitis C infection can cause long-term liver damage.

Transmission risk factors include:

  • People born or raised in a high prevalence country (Egypt, Pakistan, Portugal including Madeira, Russia, Poland and former Soviet Republic states including Moldova, Latvia and Romania)
  • Surgery, dental procures or tattoos carried out in countries or premises where infection control procedures may be poor.
  • Recipient of blood transfusions before September 19991 and / or those who have received treatment with an NHS blood product before 1986 in England.
  • Those living in hostels or who are homeless.
  • Current and past injecting drug users (including steroids).

Check your status today with a frtee at-home test by scanning the QR code or clicking the link.

EUROPAC – The Euopean Registry oh Hereditary Pancreatic Diseases.

EUROPAC is, in the first instance, a registry for families with histories of Familial Pancreatic Cancer and Hereditary Pancreatitis. they register these individuals and collect their family history, as well as samples for research purposes. The EUROPAC study also runs surveillance programmes for individuals whop are deemed high-risk (in compliance with NG85).

Using the family history individuals provide, they can assess their lifetime risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Surveillance is offered on a yearly basis, and we use a combination of CT, EUS, MRI and blood tests.

NHSE is working with EUROPAC to establish referral routes from the NHS and we are very pleased to be able to offer eligable participants in the Midlands the option of being screened at Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham and New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton.

If you are interested and have a family history of pancreatic disease, please see reception for a referral from.

MELS – Multi Ethnic Lifestyle Study

The aim of the research is to explore how different lifestyle behaviours present in a population made up of different ethnic backgrounds, and to understand how certain lifestyle behaviours might cluster together and how this impacts upon health. The study will explore how different lifestyle behaviours and socio-demographic factors, such as someone’s age, ethnicity or where they live, occur in people who are generally healthy and those who have long term conditions.  The study will now also look at how COVID-19 may have affected lifestyle behaviours.  

If you are over the age of 18 and wish to participate in the study please read carefully the patient participation leaflet attached and complete the questionnaire online.

Multi-Ethnic Lifestyle Study (MELS)

Contact the Study Team

Please get in contact with the study team using the form below.
